Government must urgently set out plans to prepare for surge in demand for mental health supports

Mental Health Reform, the national coalition on mental health, has today called on the Government to urgently begin planning for a surge in demand for mental health services and supports associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The call comes following increases in demand for mental health services and supports across the community and voluntary sector, which … Read more

Webinar: “eMental Health in the COVID-19 context and beyond”

“eMental Health in the COVID-19 context and beyond”. Date: Wednesday, 13th of May 2020Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AMFormat: delivered via Zoom This webinar presented an overview of two recent briefing documents prepared by the eMEN team at Mental Health Reform: ‘Guidance on Telemental Health for mental health services and practictioners‘ and ‘The role of the … Read more

Publication of “The role of the Third Sector in eMental Health innovation and service provision in Ireland”

The eMEN Team in Mental Health Reform have today published the latest briefing document entitled “The role of the Third Sector in eMental Health innovation and service provision in Ireland”. This second briefing was prepared as a follow-up to the eMEN international seminar on ‘eMental health:  Opportunities for the Third Sector?’ held in Dublin on … Read more

Request put to Government for Human Rights Impact Assessment

Mental Health Reform, alongside rights and representative organisations, wrote to An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to request a Human Rights Impact Assessment before a review of current restrictions in response to COVID-19, due to take place on 5 May. The State should also collect and publish statistics and information on communities most affected by COVID-19 and … Read more

Publication of “Guidance on Telemental Health for mental health services and practitioners”

The eMental Health team in Mental Health Reform have developed a rapid briefing paper for the COVID-19 crisis entitled “Guidance on Telemental Health for mental health services and practitioners”. The COVID-19 crisis has direct mental health implications in a number of ways, and also creates some major organisational, operational and logistical challenges for the various … Read more

Mental Health Services & Supports During COVID-19

With the recent efforts being made nationally and internationally in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to highlight available mental health services and supports. Minding our mental health, as well as physical health, is very important at times like this. Many members of Mental Health Reform have been proactive in finding ways to make … Read more

Mental Health Reform Temporary Office Closure

In light of the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Mental Health Reform offices in both Dublin and Limerick will be closed temporarily until March 29th. This decision has been made to ensure we are doing all that we can to protect the health and well-being of our staff, volunteers, visitors and the wider community. All … Read more

Mental Health Reform announce appointment of new Chief Executive Officer

The Board of Mental Health Reform (MHR) has today announced the appointment of Ms Fiona Coyle as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the coalition. The appointment follows an external recruitment process led by the Board of Directors. Fiona Coyle, originally from Donegal, joins Mental Health Reform following over a decade of work in … Read more

Mental Health Commission’s damning report shows neglect of community services

Mental Health Reform call for political action to crisis in mental health services. Mental Health Reform, the national coalition on mental health, has this morning called on the Oireachtas to urgently react to the Mental Health Commission’s damning report published this morning which highlights serious deficiencies in community mental health supports. Commenting on the report … Read more


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