Technology and Student Mental Health

Mental Health Reform and the Union of Students in Ireland hosted a seminar on June 18th, exploring the implications technology has for supporting student’s mental health in third level education. The seminar is part of the eMEN project, an Interreg North West Europe and HSE funded project aiming to improve mental health in Europe through … Read more

Briefing note on reform of the Mental Health Act, 2001

Briefing note on reform of the Mental Health Act, 2001 June 2019 What is the Mental Health Act, 2001? The Mental Health Act, 2001 (the Act) is the law in Ireland that must be followed when people go into hospital for mental health care and treatment. The Mental Health Act, 2001 Act sets out: why … Read more

Delay in legislation risks human rights violations

Mental Health Reform, the national coalition on mental health in Ireland, has this week launched a campaign calling on the Government to urgently update Ireland’s mental health law in order to protect the basic rights of people with mental health difficulties. Backed by its 74 member organisations, the umbrella group are calling for the immediate … Read more

Statement to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health

Today, May 29th, Mental Health Reform spoke before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health. The focus was on a review of developments in mental health services. During the lengthy presentation, which the Mental Health Commission also contributed to, the panel discussed a broad range of issues being seen across Ireland in mental health services and … Read more

eMEN Seminar: Technology and Student Mental Health

Mental Health Reform, along with the USI, are pleased to announce the upcoming seminar on eMental Health, “Technology and Student Mental Health”. The seminar will address the potential offered by technology-supported applications (eMental Health) in student mental health services and supports. Irish and international experts working in the area of eMental Health will share their … Read more

My Voice Matters: Reports show people with mental health difficulties and their families are not receiving services in line with national policy

Today, Mental Health Reform launched the findings of two national surveys into people’s experience of HSE mental health services. The My Voice Matters reports, launched by John Farrelly, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Commission, include a report on the experience of 1,188 service users and a report on the experience of 786 family members, … Read more

Would you like to take on a challenge while supporting Mental Health Reform?

Would you like to take on a challenge while supporting Mental Health Reform? Be part of the reform. The Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon is now open registration and we would LOVE you to join the ranks of some of the wonderful women who walked and ran for Mental Health Reform. The Women’s Mini Marathon is … Read more

Ruling against HSE a wake-up call for mental health services

Mental Health Reform notes the ruling of the Kilkenny District Court against the Health Service Executive in a prosecution brought by the Mental Health Commission. During the proceedings, the Assistant Inspector for Mental Health Services said in relation to the inpatient conditions described that they were “contrary to everything a hospital should stand for”. Commenting, … Read more

Blog: Bodywhys on Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2019

Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2019 takes place from February 25th to March 3rd. Bodywhys, the Eating Disorders Association of Ireland, have written a guest blog to highlight issues related to Eating Disorders in Ireland.  “Eating Disorders Awareness Week is an opportunity for those of us working in, or who feel passionately about the area, to generate … Read more


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