Ireland’s new mental health policy must be matched by action

Mental Health Reform, has today welcomed the publication of Ireland’s new mental health policy, Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone. The policy, launched today by Ministers Harris and Daly sets out a number of progressive shifts for Ireland’s mental health system. Welcoming the publication of the policy, CEO of Mental Health Reform, Fiona Coyle, … Read more

Launch of the ‘Coalition Conversations’ webinar series

We are delighted to launch the new webinar series, Coalition Conversations. ‘Coalition Conversations’ will connect with experts across the sector and facilitate discussions on important topics during this unprecedented time. The aim of this webinar series is to provide a space to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on the mental health sector and the new context we … Read more

Sharing the Vision

Cuireann Mental Health Reform, an chónaidhm meabhairshláinte náisiúnta, fáilte roimh chinneadh an Rialtais ar bheartas nua sláinte mheabhrach na hÉireann Ag labhairt ar maidin, deir CEO Mental Health Reform, Fiona Ni Giolla Comhaill; ‘Cuireann muid fáilte roimh an gcéim thábhachtach a ghlac an Rialtas aréirr maidir le beartas náisiúnta sláinte mheabhrach nua na hÉireann a … Read more

Government approval of Ireland’s new mental health policy

Mental Health Reform, the national coalition on mental health, today welcomes the Government’s approval of Ireland’s new mental health policy, ‘Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone’ for the period 2020-2030. Speaking this morning, CEO for Mental Health Reform, Fiona Coyle said “We welcome the important step taken by the Government last … Read more

Call on Government for immediate publication of national mental health policy

Mental Health Reform, the national coalition on mental health, has today called on the Government to immediately publish the refreshed national mental health policy, A Vision for Change, to allow for fully informed programme for Government talks and so cohesive post-COVID-19 mental health planning can begin. CEO of Mental Health Reform, Fiona Coyle, said, “It is clear to … Read more

Clear cross-party support for immediate publication of the refresh of A Vision for Change

There is clear support for immediate publication of the refresh of A Vision for Change across the Dáil. The mental health policy is critical to Programme for Government talks and post-COVID-19 planning. Today, Mental Health Reform sent this to Ministers Harris and Daly, co-signed by cross-party TD’s. “Dear Ministers Harris and Daly, Following Minister Harris’ … Read more

Call for Special Committee on COVID-19 Response to make mental health a priority

Today, the Special Committee on COVID-19 Response will meet. Mental Health Reform has leveraged strong cross-party support for need to immediately publish new the refresh of A Vision for Change. Publishing A Vision for Change, the national mental health policy, is essential part of making mental health a priority in Government response to COVID-19 and … Read more


Tracey Byrne, MIACP, is offering 30 online therapy sessions for 30 minutes for 30 euro each! Not only is this an opportunity to get some extra support during these difficult times but you can also pay it forward and cover the cost of someone else’s session. Tracey’s support means so much to us as all funds raised … Read more

International Day of Families 2020

Today is International Day of Families 2020. This is marked globally to promote awareness of issues that relate to and affect families. Today we reiterate the importance of ensuring that Ireland’s mental health policies, services and supports provide the best possible care for all people and all of their families across the country. In 2019, … Read more

Mental Health Reform raises concerns with Minister Harris

Today, Mental Health Reform met with Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD. During the teleconference, we raised the concerns of our 75 member organisations working in mental health services and supports, how the pandemic is placing significant burden on peoples mental health, and the need to publish the refresh of the national policy for mental … Read more


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