#InOurHourOfNeed: Emma’s Story

Emma shares her experience of having to go to an Emergency Department, in her hour of need.

"I was 14 years old when I was placed on a hospital bed in A&E. Myself and those close to me in severe distress, not just in this hour of need but for weeks and months previous. We needed care then and there. I came into A&E on a Friday afternoon. I was moved to a ward that evening and my parents told "the team will review her on Monday".
"Three days was to long to wait. Three days of no sleep, further emotional distress and left my mental condition to deteriorate further. If someone arrived to A&E with a vital physical illness which needed attention urgently, they would get care."

You can read Emma’s Story in full on Emma’s blog by clicking here

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If you want to find out about mental health services in your area – visit yourmentalhealth.ie.


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