Commitment to address housing needs of people with mental health difficulties welcome

Mental Health Reform, the national coalition on mental health welcomes a commitment in the new Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness to address the housing needs of people with mental health difficulties. Commenting on Rebuilding Ireland: Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness, Dr Shari McDaid, Director of MHR said “In today’s plan the Department of … Read more

Unacceptable living conditions for people with long term mental health difficulties in mini institutions

Mental Health Reform, the National Coalition for Mental Health, has expressed serious concern that people with severe mental health difficulties are living in unacceptable conditions in mini institutions around the country. Mental Health Reform echoes concerns expressed by the Mental Health Commission (MHC) in its 2015 Annual Report published today (Monday 20th June), that some … Read more

Residents at Portlaoise mental health unit secluded for more than 2 days

Mental Health Reform, the national coalition for mental health has expressed grave concerns about a number of issues highlighted in the latest inspection report from the Mental Health Commission. According to the Inspection Report on the Department of Psychiatry, at the Midland Regional Hospital in Portlaoise, residents were kept in seclusion for more than 60 … Read more

Mental Health Reform welcomes restoration of €12M mental health funding

Mental Health Reform today welcomed the restoration of €12M in development funding for mental health services in 2016. Responding to the news, Dr Shari McDaid, Director, said, “We are pleased to see the Government’s decision to restore the €12M ring-fenced funding for development of mental health services in 2016, though this funding needs to translate … Read more

Ireland’s readmission rate for people in severe mental health distress too high

  Ireland’s readmission rate for people in severe mental health distress too high Mental Health Reform, the National Coalition for Mental Health, has expressed serious concerns at the high hospital readmission rate for people with mental health difficulties in Ireland and the continued lack of a 24/7 community-based service for people in severe distress. Mental … Read more

Mental Health Reform welcomes appointment of Minister of State with responsibility for mental health.

  Mental Health Reform welcomes the appointment of Helen McEntee as Minister of State with special responsibility for mental health. Mental Health Reform, the national coalition for mental health welcomes the appointment of Deputy Helen McEntee as Minister of State at the Department of Health with special responsibility for mental health. Congratulating Deputy McEntee on … Read more

Lack of detailed commitment to mental health funding in Programme for Government disappointing

13 May 2016 For immediate release Lack of detailed commitment to mental health funding in Programme for Government disappointing Mental Health Reform has expressed severe concern at the lack of a detailed commitment to mental health funding in the new Programme for Government. The Director of Mental Health Reform Dr Shari McDaid said: “following the … Read more


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