Government must not miss opportunity to prepare mental health system

Today, Mental Health Reform told the Oireachtas Sub-Committee on Mental Health that the Government must seize the opportunity during the COVID-19 pandemic to prioritise mental health services and supports, or risk significant shortfall as the long term mental health impact of the pandemic sets in. “COVID-19 is a mental health emergency as well as a … Read more

Submission to the Oireachtas Committee on COVID-19 Response

Mental Health Reform today joined Jigsaw and Mental Heath Ireland to present before the Oireachtas Committee on COVID-19 Response, outlining the impact being experienced to the mental health sector in Ireland. During the presentation, Kate Mitchell, Senior Policy & Research Officer, reiterated the need for investment in the mental health sector in light of increased … Read more

Statement to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health

Today, May 29th, Mental Health Reform spoke before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health. The focus was on a review of developments in mental health services. During the lengthy presentation, which the Mental Health Commission also contributed to, the panel discussed a broad range of issues being seen across Ireland in mental health services and … Read more


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