As part of First Fortnight 2021, Mental Health Reform was delighted to present “Dear Diary, my mental health during the pandemic…”
It is broadly accepted that the impact of COVID 19 on peoples mental health has been significant, and yet, many will have experienced these impacts completely differently. Some people who may never have experienced a mental health challenge before may have felt the emotional impact of public health restrictions – the increased loneliness and isolation. Others, those who live with lifelong mental health difficulties, may have been adversely impacted by challenges in accessing mental health services. Children, older people, parents – everyone has their own mental health story to tell.
We invited members of the public to tell their own mental health stories in a short, 300 word diary entry, to be submitted in advance of our event. Our event displayed and explored some of the themes raised in these diary entries, the good and the bad, in order to look at how our mental health system will need to change to support those who need it.
We were joined by a mixed panel of people who work or have an interest in mental health:
- Elaine Austin – CEO of Pieta
- Shubhangi Karmakar – Medic, advocate and journalist
- Dr. Malie Coyne – Clinical Psychologist and author