Programme for Government Commitments to Mental Health
Mental Health Matters Manifesto
Get Involved
1. Programme for Government Commitments to Mental Health
On the 15th of January, a draft Programme for Government was published by Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and a selection of Independent TDs. This proposed Government is currently in the process of being ratified. We have developed a Programme for Government Mental Health Commitments document and supporting graphic.
Mental health is mentioned 33 times throughout the document, and we welcome the specific mention of the following:
- Voluntary and Community Mental Health Sector
- Legislative Reform
- Sharing the Vision
- National Clinical Programmes in Mental Health
- Cultural Competency
- Youth Mental Health
- Mental Health in Older Persons
- Suicide and self-harm prevention
- Autism and Mental Health
2. Mental Health Matters Manifesto
Together with our 86 member organisations, Mental Health Reform called on all candidates standing in the 2024 General Election to commit to the following:
- Reform the Mental Health Act, 2001 and make the new law operational as soon as possible
- Increase investment in mental health to 10% of the total health budget by 2030
- Create a Super Junior Ministry for Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Instate a HSE National Lead for Mental Health and Regional Mental Health Leads
- Resource the implementation plan of our national mental health policy, Sharing the Vision
We need to strengthen leadership and accountability in mental health.
Read our Mental Health Matters Manifesto, which outlines our key asks for Election 2024.
To read our Mental Health Matters Manifesto, click here.
3. Get Involved
There are many ways you can join our campaign to help make mental health a national priority in Election 2024.
- Vote for better mental health services in the upcoming elections
- Download our images below and use our sample posts for your social media page
- Join the conversation with #IAmAReason #PfG25
- Contact your elected representatives and ask them how they plan to make mental health a priority
- Sign up to our newsletter for regular updates
Social Media Images
Sample social media post
“Mental Health Reform recently launched its #IAmAReason campaign which calls on elected representatives to prioritise mental health in the next Programme for Government.
Read our Mental Health Programme for Government submission 👇”