We are delighted to be a charity partner with VHI Women’s Mini Marathon this year. The event takes place on Sunday, 4th June 2023, and we’d love for you to run with #TeamMHR!
The VHI Women’s Mini Marathon is a 10km charity road race which caters to all levels of fitness. Whether you prefer to walk, jog or run, we will support you all the way.
Why join #TeamMHR?
Mental Health Reform (MHR) is the national coalition for mental health. We campaign for better mental health services through advocacy, innovation and research.
The money you raise with #TeamMHR will help to fund our research to improve mental health services in Ireland. Our research is person focused, and always has the voice of lived experience at its core.
Mental health services in Ireland have been under funded, and stretched to breaking point for many years. Thousands of people, including children are struggling to access the mental health care they need.
By joining #TeamMHR at VHI Women’s Mini Marathon, you will support us to advocate for the urgent changes needed in our mental health system.
Every step you take will help to create an Ireland where everyone can access the support they need to achieve their best possible mental health.
How to join #TeamMHR?
Step 1:
Sign-up for the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon via the official website here.
Step 2:
Simply fill in a #TeamMHR contact information sheet here, and we will get back to you with a fundraising pack and tips on how to raise funds through the #TeamMHR iDonate page.
If you have any further questions, please contact Stephen at ssheil@mentalhealthreform.ie
Thank you for running in support of better mental health!