Mental Health Reform launches report on recovery from mental health difficulties

Mental Health Reform has launched a report exploring the idea of recovery from mental health difficulties. The report, Recovery … what you should expect from a good quality mental health service, was launched on the occasion of the organisation’s first AGM (25/04/2013).

Speaking at the launch, Mental Health Reform Director Orla Barry explained: “In our public consultation meetings around the country, people consistently tell us that they want a more humane mental health service that listens to the people using that service. This report and the accompanying Recovery leaflet is our attempt to start a conversation about what people should expect from their mental health service.”

“By ‘recovery’, we are not implying that the person will stop being vulnerable to mental health difficulties, but that they can live a full and meaningful life in their local community. This requires a change in attitude from staff, carers and the wider community”, Ms. Barry continued.

“One in seven adults in Ireland will have experienced a mental health difficulty in the last year, so it is important that we begin to talk about recovery. For Mental Health Reform, there are five key components that need to be part of recovery-orientated mental health services: partnership, listening, hope, choice and social inclusion. We hope that this report will inform people using the services and their families about what they should expect from and ask of their mental health service”, Ms. Barry concluded.

Copies of the report and information leaflet can be ordered via, by calling (01) 6121422 or for download



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