eMental Health: The Next Big Thing in Psychological Practice?

Save the date for a FREE international seminar on eMental Health in Psychological Practice, organised jointly by Mental Health Reform and the Psychological Society of Ireland.

The event will be held on the 9th October 2018, 9am – 4pm in the Hilton Hotel, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2.

This seminar is part of the eMEN project – funded by Interreg North West Europe and the HSE.

The seminar will address the implications of technology-supported therapy for psychological practice…is this ‘the Next Big Thing’ for psychology in Ireland?

Updates and announcements will be made on the event webpage and on the eMental Health Reform Twitter – follow us @eMHReform

Registration will open in September!

We aim to raise questions, address benefits and challenges and encourage a broader discussion on eMental Health in Ireland.

The themes of the seminar will include:

  • Telemental health – psychological therapy sessions at a distance (phone, video, online)
  • eTherapy – technology-supported therapy (self-administered by clients or with therapist support)
  • eMental health in specific settings such as workplaces and third-level education
  • Vision for the future: utopian or dystopian?

State-of-the-art presentations and panel discussions from experts working in the field of eMental Health, that will bring a better understanding of developments, possibilities and issues in this field.

It will be a great opportunity for participants to engage with experts in discussion about eMental Health and how it could work in psychological practice in Ireland.

The event will also provide an opportunity for individuals to network and to feed into policy development on eMental Health in Ireland and across North West Europe through the eMEN project.

Psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, service managers, psychology students, service providers, service users and organisations interested in delivery of counselling and psychological therapies.

eMental Health: The Next Big Thing in Psychological Practice?

eMental Health: The Next Big Thing in Psychological Practice?

As part of the eMEN project, Mental Health Reform and the Psychological Society of Ireland hosted the seminar,  “eMental Health in Psychological Practice” 

The event took place on the 9th October 2018, 8:30 AM – 4 PM in the Hilton Hotel, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2.

This seminar is part of the eMEN project – funded by Interreg North West Europe and the HSE.

The seminar focused on the implications of technology-supported therapy for psychological practice…is this ‘the Next Big Thing’ for psychology in Ireland?

The seminar was addressed by the Minister of State for Mental Helath and older People, Jim Daly T.D.

We aim to raise questions, address benefits and challenges and encourage a broader discussion on eMental Health in Ireland.

The themes of the seminar will include:

Telemental health: psychological therapy sessions at a distance
Telepsychology/counselling over the phone or through video links is growing in popularity. Emerging communication modes, such as instant chat, are also increasingly employed to reach and engage with the demographic groups that favour these.  The session will combine a number of short presentations of online services – including MyMind, Turn2Me, and Helplink – followed by a panel discussion.

eTherapy: technology-supported therapy
eTherapy applications, combining online self-administration with varying levels of therapist assistance, are now offered in programmes providing psychological therapies at scale for common conditions such as mild/moderate depression and anxiety.  Mobile applications show promise in supporting ongoing care management and self-management for people with enduring mental health conditions. Gaming applications are used to support treatment provision and engagement for young people.

The future – utopian or dystopian?
Virtual reality has important application in the treatment of phobias, anxiety and other conditions. Can Artificial Intelligence also play a role in mental health therapy? Would you talk to a chat-bot about your mental health difficulties? What do young people think about it all? The third session will explore the potential and the future of technology and psychology.

Psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, service managers, psychology students, service providers, service users and organisations interested in delivery of counselling and psychological therapies.

Email us about the seminar:
Dominika Topolska: dtopolska@mentalhealthreform.ie

Call us about the seminar: 
Dominika Topolska: 01-874 9468

Follow eMEN online:
 eMental Health Reform @eMHReform 

 eMental Health Reform /eMental-Health-Reform 


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