Dublin and Cork Consultations on Community Mental Health Services

Mental Health Reform is holding two more consultation meetings on community mental health services.

The first will be held in Cork on November 22nd, 2011 at 6.30 pm in Bru Columbanus, Cardinal Way, Wilton, Cork.

The second meeting will take place in Dublin on December 1st, 2011 at 6.30 pm in the Wood Quay Venue, Dublin City Council Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 2. Please extend this invitation to anyone with an interest in mental health services – in particular we are seeking the views of service users and family members.

This meeting aims to develop a shared understanding among citizens about good quality, community-based mental health services, and the role these play in promoting good mental health.

The meetings will provide a forum for honest debate on what a quality mental health service looks like. Please extend this invitation to anyone with an interest in mental health – particularly services users and family members.

As numbers are limited, please confirm your attendance by calling Christine on                        (01) 612 1422             or by emailing RSVP@mentalhealthreform.combinedmedia.com.



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