Mental Health Reform’s 10th Anniversary Conference Agenda
MC: Dil Wickremasinghe, Broadcaster and Journalist
9.00 – 9.30 Registration/ Arrival
9.30 – 9.35 Welcome
- Fiona Coyle, CEO, Mental Health Reform
9.35 – 9.50 Launch of ‘Brave New Connections Report: Resetting the Non- Profit Voluntary and Community Sector After the Pandemic’
- Dominika Topolska, Innovation Programme Coordinator, Mental Health Reform
- Kevin Cullen, Director, Work Research Centre
9.50 – 10.30 Session 1
10 years of Mental Health Reform: key moments and lessons learnt
Moderator: Dil Wickremasinghe
This session will explore the key moments of the past 10 years for Mental Health Reform. What have been the successes, how were they achieved and what lessons were learnt.
- Dr Eddie Molloy, Director, Advanced Organisation and Former Chairperson, Mental Health Reform
- Robert McCafferty, Activist and Board Member, Mental Health Reform
- Caroline McGrath, Barrister and Former CEO, Mental Health Reform
10.30 – 10.45 Break
10.45 – 11.30 Session 2
The next 10 years: Placing mental health at the heart of Ireland’s COVID-19 recovery journey
Moderator: John Saunders, Chair, Sharing the Vision National Implementation Monitoring Committee
This session will focus on the future and from the perspective of civil society, HSE and service users will explore some of the challenges and opportunities in addressing mental health needs.
- Jim Ryan, National Head of Operations for Mental Health Services, HSE
- John Farrelly, Chief Executive, Mental Health Commission
- Michele Kerrigan, Chairperson, Mental Health Reform
- Sharon Lane, Chair, Sharing the Vision National Reference Group of Service Users and Family Members
11.30 – 11.45 Virtual Keynote Address
- Mary Butler, Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People
11.45 – 12.30 Session 3
Growing the Grassroots Movement
Moderator: Dil Wickremasinghe
This session will explore how we can strengthen the mental health movement in Ireland being inclusive of all actors and all voices.
- Barbara Brennan, See Change Programmes Leader
- Blessing Dada, Mental Health Advocate
- Pa Reilly, Mental Health Worker, Pavee Point
12.30 – 12.45 Questions from the Audience
12.45 – 13.00 Event Close
- Michele Kerrigan, Chairperson, Mental Health Reform