Mental Health Reform is a company limited by guarantee. Our registered address is Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7. Mental Health Reform is also registered as a charity. Registration as a charity means the company is governed by charity specific legislation, can avail of beneficial taxation exemptions and is able to undertake specific types of fundraising.
Mental Health Reform is registered with the following public bodies:
- Companies Registration Office (company registered number: 506850)
- Charities Regulator (registered charity number: 20078737)
- Revenue Commissioners (Revenue (CHY) number: 19958)
- Office of the Data Commissioner
Mental Health Reform were delighted to be awarded a Good Governance Award in 2022 for our 2021 Annual Report. Find out more about the Governance Awards and all the 2022 winners here.
Mental Health Reform is committed to complying with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising, a voluntary code of conduct drawn up by charity fundraising practitioners and donors with support from legal, accounting and other related professionals. You can find out more about the code here.
Mental Health Reform has adopted the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) Governance Code. Further information about the CRA can be found here. More details about the CRA Governance Code and its principles, can be found here.
The Regulation of Lobbying legislation is designed to provide information to the public about who is lobbying whom about what. Mental Health Reform is registered on the Register of Lobbying, which is maintained by the Standards in Public Office Commission.
Annual audited accounts
Mental Health Reform is required to file an annual return with the Companies Registration Office. MHR financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) and Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA). You can access our full audited accounts here.
Mental Health Reform is guided by our Strategic Plan 2023-2028 ‘Making Mental Health Matter’ here.
If you would like to learn more about our Donor Charter, you can click this link: Donor Charter
If you wish to make a complaint to Mental Health Reform, please read our complaints policy here: Complaints Policy.
Read our full suite of policies here.