We are delighted to publish our new Strategic Plan 2023-2028 ‘Making Mental Health Matter’.
The strategic plan aims to equip Mental Health Reform to adapt to the new post-COVID-19 environment, to identify ambitious yet achievable priorities for the coming years, and to support the coalition to continue to grow sustainably in size, reach and influence.
We would like to thank all of those who helped shape this plan including our members, individuals with lived experience of mental health difficulties and their supporters, our staff, board members and other key stakeholders.
Our Vision
An Ireland with accessible, effective and inclusive mental health services and supports.
Our Mission
To be the unifying voice that leads progressive and wide reform towards human rights-based mental health services and supports in Ireland.
Our Values
Rights-based | Collaborative | Inclusive | Informed | Progressive
Our Approach
Accountability & Advocacy | Coordination & Policy Development | Research & Innovation
Our Strategic Pillars
Mobalisation | Innovation | Accountability | Delivery
We launched the plan at our first ever Members’ Showcase in the Mansion House which provided an opportunity for elected representatives to meet some of our Governing Members and learn about the positive impact of their work in the voluntary and community sector.
We would like to say a special thank you to Lord Mayor of Dublin Caroline Conroy for hosting this event.