Minister with Responsibility for Mental Health to sit at Cabinet Level

Mental Health Reform (MHR) warmly welcomes the appointment of Mary Butler TD to her role as  Government Chief Whip with Responsibility for Mental Health. MHR had advocated in our Programme for Government submission that the mental health ministerial role post should be elevated to ‘super junior Minister level’, which includes attending cabinet meetings. We acknowledge this positive change. As Chief Whip the Minister will also have primary control on the legislative agenda.

In her previous position as Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People, Deputy Butler oversaw the introduction of the Mental Health Bill 2024 to the Oireachtas. In November 2024, over 50 mental health leaders wrote to An Taoiseach urging the Government to reinstate the Mental Health Bill 2024 at Dáil Committee Stage within the first 100 days of the next Government. We restate this important ambition.

As the Bill progresses, we look forward to working with our members and the Government on the necessary amendments. It is crucial that the voices of people with lived experience continue to be heard in this process.

Interim CEO of Mental Health Reform, Philip Watt commented: “We look forward to building on our existing positive relationship with Minister Butler and her team, at this crucial period for mental health in Ireland. The new Programme for Government has important commitments to improve service provision and policy in mental health over the next five years. We will seek a meeting with the Minister in the coming weeks to discuss these commitments and to provide our ongoing support for Sharing the Vision – the national Mental health policy, including further resources for this strategy.”


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