What? Mental Health Reform (MHR), in partnership with the Mental Health Commission, is launching its guidelines for mental health services and staff on working with people from ethnic minority communities. The guidelines are rooted in MHR’s policy position on ethnic minorities and mental health, [link to the report can be found below] which was developed on the basis of an international literature review and wide consultation with representatives from a number of ethnic minority groups, in addition to MHR’s Multi-Disciplinary and Ethnic Minorities Advisory Groups.
When? Friday 16th December 2016 @ 11.40am – 1.30pm
Where? Pearse Street Library, 144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
Who? This event will bring together key stakeholders in the areas of mental health and ethnic minorities. All are welcome to attend, including individuals from ethnic minority communities and/or people with self-experience of mental health difficulties/of using the mental health services, family members, supporters, carers, mental health organisations and mental health professionals and services, ethnic minority representatives and organisations, academics, policy makers as well as other key decision makers in the areas of mental health and/or ethnic minorities and other interested groups/ individuals.
Registration This event is free of charge but places are limited so if you have any contacts that would like to attend that have not already done so please get in touch with Kate at kmitchell@mentalhealthreform.i e or phone 01 874 9468 as soon as possible. If you have registered and you can no longer attend please let us know so we can give your place to someone else.
Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements if you have not already done so.