Mental Health Reform is delighted to welcome you to register for free to the upcoming seminar “eMental Health: Opportunities for the Third Sector“
This seminar will address the opportunities eMental Health presents for third sector organisations in the mental health field.
About this seminar
Date: Tuesday, 18th of February 2020
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: The Carmelite Community Centre, 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 2
Themes will include ways that existing eMental Health applications can enhance the mental services and supports provided by the third sector, as well as ways the sector can be to the fore in driving innovation in development of new eMental Health applications and tools. It also aims to provoke a discussion about integration of (e)Mental Health services, clear pathways and engagement with users.
The seminar programme will include a number of international and Irish experts and practitioners in the eMental Health field. International experts from the eMEN project will present examples of eMental Health products from other countries, including online CBT, tools for PTSD, and large-scale population-based approaches to suicide prevention. Speakers from Irish third sector organisations will present examples of how they are already using eMental Health in their work.
Who should attend?
The target audience of the seminar includes the Mental Health Reform member organisations, the wider body of Irish third sector players in the mental health field, policy-makers and the HSE, users of mental health services, and other interested parties.
What is eMental Health?
‘eMental Health’ is the umbrella term now commonly utilised for the broad spectrum of technology-supported mental health services and supports that have emerged in recent years. Examples include online counselling and therapy sessions, online CBT programmes, crisis text services, and peer support through online groups, as well as a rapidly evolving array of applications using virtual reality, serious gaming and other tools.