Member organisations
Mental Health Reform has three different types of membership:
Governing Membership
Governing Membership is open to not-for-profit/non-governmental organisations. With the exception of non-governmental organisations who provide inpatient mental health services and/or approved centre(s).
Governing members can participate in the Board structures of Mental Health Reform and have the right to vote at Annual General Meetings.
Associate Membership
Associate membership is open to all non-governmental organisations who are committed to the implementation of Sharing the Vision. This includes unions, professional associations, training and education bodies and those who provide inpatient mental health services and/or approved centres.
Associate members do not participate in the Board structures of Mental Health Reform and do not have the right to vote at Annual General Meetings. However their participation is an integral part of the movement to improve mental health services in Ireland.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate membership is open to for-profit organisations whose primary area of work is mental health with the exception of organisations who provide inpatient mental health services and/or approved centre(s). For-profit organisations must be committed to the values and implementation of Sharing the Vision. Affiliate members do not participate in the Board structures of Mental Health Reform and do not have the right to vote or participate in official business of the Company at General Meetings.
To become an Affiliate Member, an existing Governing member or a Director of Mental Health Reform must nominate the organisation in writing for the consideration of the Board.
Our Valued Members
- 3Ts (Turn the Tide of Suicide)
- A Lust For Life
- ADHD Ireland
- AkiDwA
- Alcohol Action Ireland
- The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
- Amnesty International Ireland
- AsIAm – Ireland’s Autism Charity
- Barnardos
- BelongTo
- Bodywhys
- Care After Prison
- Cairde
- Children’s Rights Alliance
- Chime
- Community Therapy Ireland
- Cork Mental Health Foundation
- The Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service (DoCCFS)
- Depaul Ireland
- Disability Federation of Ireland
- Doras
- Dual Diagnosis Ireland
- Dublin Simon Community
- Dyspraxia/ DCD Ireland
- Exchange House
- Family Resource Centres National Forum
- First Fortnight
- Focus Ireland
- Futures in Mind
- Gateway Mental Health Project
- GROW Mental Health
- HAIL – Housing Association of Integrated Living
- Helplink Mental Health
- HUGG – Healing Untold Grief Groups
- Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland
- Irish Penal Reform Trust
- Irish Refugee Council
- Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC)
- Jigsaw
- Kerry Diocesan Youth Service (KDYS)
- Mental Health Ireland
- Merchants Quay Ireland
- MyMind
- National Suicide Research Foundation
- National Women’s Council
- NiteLine
- Pavee Point – Traveller and Roma Centre
- Peer Advocacy in Mental Health
- Peter McVerry Trust
- Pieta
- The Rehab Group
- Respond! Housing Association
- Samaritans
- Shine
- Slí Eile Housing Association
- SpunOut
- Suicide or Survive
- Threshold Training Network
- Traveller Counselling Service
- turn2me.org
- Union of Students in Ireland
- Vision Ireland
- YAP Ireland
- The Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland
- Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland
- Bloomfield Health Services
- Cork Counselling Services
- European Association of Professional Hypnotherapists
- Family Therapy Association of Ireland
- Irish Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
- Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists
- Irish Association of Social Workers
- Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists
- Irish Council for Psychotherapy
- Irish Online Counselling & Psychotherapy Service
- Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists
- Kyrie Farm
- National Association for Professional Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Psychological Society of Ireland
- St. John of God Hospital
- St. Patrick’s University Hospital
Image Source: WOCinTechChat, Icon Finder