Map of Mental Health Services and Supports Around Ireland

Map of Mental Health Services and Supports Around Ireland

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This interactive map shows where you can access different types of mental health services and supports in Ireland.

In the map, you will see where Mental Health Reform (MHR) governing members are located, where there are recovery colleges and where there are crisis cafés (now known as ‘Solace Cafés’).

What is a Governing Member?

MHR currently represents over 65 governing members across the voluntary and community mental health sector. The voluntary and community mental health sector plays a significant role in supporting the State in the provision of services for people with mental health difficulties.

MHR’s governing members provide a diverse range of services that are of vital importance to the whole mental health ecosystem. Their supports and services include:
– Information and Sign-Posting
– Psycho-education, self-help and positive mental health
– Peer Support
– Helpline/Crisis
– Therapy/Counselling
– Recovery/Social Inclusion
– Advocacy

What is recovery education?

Recovery education is for adults who use mental health services; for their families, friends, carers and supporters (FFCS); for people who work in the mental health services; and for the wider communities who want to learn more about mental health, recovery and wellness.

Recovery education can be provided in a number of ways:
– In the community or in HSE facilities
– In a Recovery College or a Recovery Education Service

This map provides information on the Recovery Colleges that are available to people around the country.

What is a community/crisis café?

Crisis Cafés form part of the Crisis Resolution Services.

Crisis Cafés, now called ‘Solace Cafés’ provide an out-of-hours friendly and supportive crisis prevention and response service.

In May 2023, the new Model of Care for Crisis Resolution Services was launched. The Model of Care aims to provide more accessible and personalised support to individuals with mental health difficulties, empowering them on their recovery journey and offering an alternative to hospital admission when appropriate. The new Model of Care for Crisis Resolution Services will be piloted across five pilot learning sites in the next two years.

What are the limitations of the map?

The interactive map and this accompanying explainer document contains available data up to the end of November 2024. It is important to note that all information and data was correct at the time of data collection but that this data may change regularly. For the most accurate information, you should contact the relevant organisation, recovery college or Solace Café directly.


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