CYP-MH Project

What is the CYP-MH Project?

The Children and Young People’s Mental Health (CYP-MH) project is a collaborative programme of work led by Mental Health Reform and involving five well-established Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) providers of mental health services for children and young people (Barnardos, ISPCC, Jigsaw, Pieta, and Spunout).

in partnership with

This report provides a highly detailed and evidenced based economic case for more proactive/earlier mental health supports being provided for children and young people in Ireland. This independent research was undertaken by the London School of Economics (LSE) and commissioned
by Mental Health Reform as part of its CYP-MH Project.

This report presents a proposed ‘Roadmap’ for investment and a collaborative programme of action between the HSE and Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) to achieve the required scaling-up of children and young people’s mental health services. Published in collaboration with Barnardos, ISPCC, Jigsaw, Pieta, and Spunout.

The Findings

Our economic research predicts real savings of time and money for Irish society

Key Actions

Need for Early Investment and a substantial scaling-up of early support services

VCS within the publicly-funded system needs greater recognition and resourcing

A Phased Approach to Scaling Up

Collaboration across both Statutory and Voluntary Sectors

Synergy with Government policy


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