Brave New Connections 2.0

The Brave New Connections 2.0 project builds on the significant achievements of the Brave New Connections project which supported organisations in the sector adapting/responding to the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic. This work is supported by a grant from Community Foundation Ireland.

Brave New Connections 2.0 is developing and implementing a ‘Capacity-building for Transformative Innovation’ programme to support the sector in this area. Led by Mental Health Reform, the collaborative partnership project will include all interested organisations in the sector through a co-production model involving :

  • Collective reflection on strategic and operational issues for the sector in the post-pandemic world.  
  • Mapping digital mental health innovations with particularly transformative potential in key areas.  
  • Development and implementation of a capacity-building programme around selected innovations.  

We have undertaken a survey of the Voluntary and Community sector on their experiences following the pandemic and their aspirations for the future of mental health services in Ireland, to better inform our capacity building activities. Key emerging themes are the need for more interworking and cross referral in the sector, accessibility, digital literacy and better navigation for the end user and these themes will feature in capacity building activities over the coming months as part of Brave New Connections 2.0.


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